Thursday, December 28, 2017

savoring the quiet spot

Our Christmas was all it should be, a couple of days of family time and festive feasting.
Now it is the quiet time between the old year and the new. It is very, very cold and a light snow is falling. The cats have each found a cozy spot and Jerome is practicing for a church service this Sunday. I have a batch of granola in the oven and the laundry is humming away. I'm closing the books on 2017 and preparing pages for the coming year. The little pine we cut and decorated is sending its merry rainbow out into the whiteness beyond the window. There is a teakettle humming on the stove. All is calm.
I wish similar good things for you, dear friends, as the old year passes into the new. Thank you for keeping me company here on sallymomsprouts. I look forward to your peeking through my window often in 2018.
Be well and prosper.


  1. yes. blessed quiet. it is such a treasure.
    2018...i wonder where it will take us.
    i'm so glad to have our tribe here on the internet, far flung across the globe, but close in spirit.

  2. Very belated Holiday wishes, Sharon. Your writing is so beautiful! So happy to know you, my friend. xo
